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  • Writer's pictureSteve Potter

6/30/2020 : Minor League Season Cancelled

For the first time since the founding of the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues in 1901 there will be no formal minor league baseball season. That’s not to say that perhaps an expanded Fall League in either or both Arizona and Florida won’t take place at each team’s training complexes but with both of the states now experiencing spikes in confirmed cases of COVID 19 that too may be wishful thinking at this point.

Minor League baseball has been my livelihood the past five years, not from a financial perspective but rather from the opportunity to watch practices and games on a daily basis. While I was working for pay the previous 35 years I rarely had time or energy to attend any pro baseball games in person ... long hours and the pressures of corporate life were the self driven consumption of my time ... while I was a nightly viewer of the big league club’s games I had never attended a Phillies minor league game till I retired ... nor I had ever known how to relax ...that part I’m still working on.

I’m certainly disappointed that there will be no 2020 minor league season but it’s more for the folks I’ve come to meet and know the past five years ... the fans who have become invested in their local teams, the staff members and stadium workers that rely on the income, the management of each club, the grounds crews and security workers, the vendors and food suppliers and all others either directly or indirectly involved. But mostly I feel bad for the players, coaches and their families.

It’s been a pleasure to get to know quite a few of the men and women involved with Phillies Minor League baseball ... we’ve become friends with many. It’s been our observations that the Phillies treat their employees very well, that there’s seemingly a genuine bond and like within the group. They also think progressively and are open to new ideas and concepts ... I’m sure that’s come into play during this very challenging time. It’s been fun to watch from a fan’s view the last few years and I’ve tried to convey those observations as best I can in my postings.

With the cancellation of the season opportunities will be lost ... some players and even staff members will be forced to move on ... that’s always inevitable in this very competitive profession but generally performance has been the guide ... a lost season eliminates chances to perform. That makes me very sad.

JJ Cooper of Baseball America posted on Twitter a thread asking folks to write what minor league baseball meant to them ... this was my response

“ It’s the enthusiasm of a new player for the first time on a backfield, the daily grind of battle, the comradarie of team spirit, the love of the game, it’s the smiles, fist bumps and “wow” moments yet also the learning from struggles ... in one word it’s life ... it’s Baseball”

That’s what I’ll miss, it’s why I care as much as I do ... it’s why I hope that one day in the not so distant future Minor League Baseball returns ... I long to say once again ... Happy Day, Happy Baseball ⚾️

Stay safe my friends ... listen, learn and live ... please - our lives and livelihoods depend on each of us doing our part.

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