Practice and conditioning work continued on day four of the first week of High Performance Camp. We saw some base-running, throwing and pitching today.
Eleven pitchers (Mavis Graves, Micah Ottenbreit, Casey Steward, Jake Eddington, Wesley Moore,Tristan Garnett, Gunner Mayer, Tommy McCollum, Aaron Combs, Andrew Schultz and Luke Gabrysh) threw their first bullpen sessions on the seven mounds in front of the Montgomery Training Center. Each threw about fifteen pitches or so.
One of the things that stands out when one observes practices at the complex is the collaboration of the training process. The video and data team interacts with the coaches and trainers as data is available instantaneously for review, often times we also see the pitchers themselves step back off the mound to review the data capture between pitches. Athletic trainers and medical staff are on hand for every practice routine and engaged with the players and coaches as well. Front office folks and coaching coordinators are continually observing and engaged - it’s truly impressive. From one who stands on the outside watching I can attest that it’s a first class operation with a collective effort to enable the players to be the best versions of themselves. Good stuff!
The first week of HP Camp wraps up tomorrow, second week begins on Monday.
Happy Day, Happy Baseball ⚾️

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