High Performance Camp has just two days left till it concludes this Friday - it’s predominantly a strength and conditioning camp but every now and again we get a glimpse of some baseball action as well. Both yesterday and today there was an added bonus of a couple batting practice sessions on Roberts Field.
Batting practice in November generally isn’t the usual course - it’s more focused on teaching and less about where the batted balls land. Yesterday my fellow minor league blogger Jim Peyton (Phuture Phillies) and I watched outfielder Dante Nori and shortstop Starlyn Caba hit. The session began with underhand tosses from hitting coach Chris Heintz with Director of Player Development Luke Murton, Assistant Director of Player Development Edwin Soto and Minor League Director of Hitting Development Edwar Gonzalez looking on from behind the cage.
From my perspective the session was focused on establishing/maintaining balance and weight distribution coinciding with swing paths thru the baseball so as to produce drive. Our vantage point was close but not close enough to ascertain the full instructions being given. To me it’s likely an extension of the work that’s done in the indoor hitting lab where various measurements are weighed along with training tools that provide both resistance to imbalance and direction to repetitive swing paths that bring solid impact. During yesterday’s out door session they also used a weighted medicine ball type contraption that the hitters swung on the side of the cages - it seemed the tool and that practice routine was to align the swing with the lower half body movement. Was good stuff to watch and both young hitters seemed very attentive and willing to learn. I’ve always admired the interaction that big Luke has with the players - that continued to shine thru in the session. Apparently we missed seeing Aidan Miller in an earlier outdoor BP session.
Today we saw both Dante Nori and Starlyn Caba again in a similar BP session on Roberts. Off season teaching sessions lay the ground work for ongoing development when the fellas return in January for High Performance Camp Two. As an added bonus we also got to watch both Griffin Burkholder and Aroon Escobar in a more traditional type BP session. Both young players are here working with the rehab group returning from injuries incurred last season. Escobar has tremendous raw power - it’s “easy power” as they say - he hit some moon shots today that off the bat looked like high fly balls but they just kept going and going till many cleared the fence! One went off the top of the left center field scoreboard, the young man has a classic slight uppercut swing and is bull strong - as I’ve mentioned before he’s also got excellent eye-hand coordination and in game action that we’ve witnessed this past season is both a selective and frequent contact hitter. It’s November BP but this observer can’t wait to see him in action this coming spring.
Burkholder was also impressive - he started his session with one hand swings to establish keeping his front shoulder aligned and a consistent swing path. When he went to his full hitting approach we saw a very athletic and consistent swing alignment - the hip rotation was in sync with the upper body drive and swing path thru the ball, it was clinical to watch - this young man has been well schooled. As mentioned before he’s very athletically built - I was truly impressed by the session (first I’ve actually had a focused review on him) and yes it’s one in November so that certainly has to be factored but first impressions are sometimes just as telling - he continually squared up and drove thru the baseball - he too hit one off the scoreboard. It was line drive after line drive in his session - really good stuff and fun to watch - certainly something to take into the balance of the off-season and come into next spring on a high note with - glad we got to see it 🤓.
Most every player who participates in High Performance Camp comes away with added muscle and stamina. In particular it’s noticeable to this observer in upper body conditioning - I can attest by what I’ve seen as an example that Starlyn Caba is noticeably wider and stronger in his shoulders and upper body, for an energetic player like him that’s vital to push thru the long grind of a baseball season. I think the HP camps are a critical element to the player development process and ongoing success.
One last note - kudos to RHP Konnor Ash who voluntarily shagged fly balls in today’s BP sessions - Konnor has moved locally to Clearwater and comes to the complex to work out - he’s a baseball gym rat - that’s a great thing and attitude to have - just sayin.
Back at em tomorrow - a couple more days till the 2024 off season shuts down for good at the complex - sessions start back up in January.
Happy Day, Happy Baseball ⚾️
Griffin Burkholder BP session today
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