What does a Phillies fan do in Clearwater during spring training when the team has an off day 🤔 ... how about take a ride over to Jack Russell Stadium to see the old spring training digs 🤓.
The stadium grounds are usually inaccessible unless there is a high school or college game being played or maybe you know some of the grounds crew to let ya in 😎. Luckily for us there was a local team practicing there today when we arrived so we quietly parked in the players lot and made ourselves invisible while taking a quick self guided tour.
During the refurbishment of the stadium grounds various monuments were placed outside the bleacher area that memorialized various Phillies players and opponents who played on the field. The most recent addition to the collection is a monument dedicated to Roy Halladay who played at Jack Russell as a member of the Toronto Blue Jays.
I took photos of each monument and have attached them below. In addition I took a few photos of the field and surrounding buildings and one of the light standards ... not sure if it’s an original or one since added albeit likely the latter.
It’s what a Phillies baseball nerd like myself does on a spring training off day ... and then I’m even more nerdy enough to write about it and share with you all 🥴.
Happy Day, Happy Baseball ⚾️