Opponents of these Phillies should be leary - they should look out for the train that is rolling towards them with a unity of team spirit and buy in not seen for a long long time.
Look out - when starting pitchers embrace the spot light and perform like aces becoming ultra stingy in allowing runs to cross the plate.
Look out - when relievers believe because the manager and teammates trust them to and high performance moments become just that.
Look out - when young players step up and do things that naysayers say they can’t realizing that it’s only their own self worth that truly matters.
Look out - when veterans play with the energy of their younger days and the passion for winning becomes the reward.
Look out - when 3 stays stable in his stance and the stride of explosion is enabled to impact the baseball like only MVP’s can.
Look out - when guts of the grind become the glory of the little things that accumulate to team success - when that becomes the goal of the focus and the focus of the goal.
Look out - when leadership is found in communication and willingness is found in listening and kinship is found in both.
Look out - when the standard becomes the expectancy of winning as a team and protecting the standard is what matters the most to all.
Look out - when the corners of the room fold into the middle and the middle rolls outward with the joy of unbridled celebration and dance !
I’m all-in with the belief that this run can be special - one pitch at a time - one moment to another - one more celebration to be had.
Bring on the next ( Braves ) and they should look out but to be honest it won’t matter if they do - the train is rolling and they are in it’s path !
Happy Day, Happy Baseball ⚾️ - let the Phillies October rise.
