Plate Appeances :
Johan Rojas - JS/REA - 409
Ethan Wilson - JS - 397
Josh Ockimey - REA/LHV - 392
Casey Martin - JS - 374
Jhailyn Ortiz - REA - 368
Hits :
Ethan Wilson - JS - 97
Johan Rojas - JS/REA - 87
Jhailyn Ortiz - REA - 84
Marcus Lee Sang - CW/JS - 84
Josh Ockimey - REA/LHV - 78
Runs :
Johan Rojas - JS/REA - 58
Josh Ockimey - REA/LHV - 53
Jhailyn Ortiz - REA - 51
Marcus Lee Sang - CW/JS - 50
Darick Hall - LHV - 47 - promoted to Phillies 6/29/22
Doubles :
Jhailyn Ortiz - REA - 21
Nick Maton - CW/LHV - 21 - re-promoted to Phillies 8/5/22
Will Toffey - LHV - 20
Dalton Guthrie - LHV - 20
Josh Ockimey - REA/LHV - 19
Triples :
Raylin Heredia - DSL PW - 5
Leandro Pineda - CW - 5
Johan Rojas - JS/REA - 5
Kevin Vicuna - REA - 4
Jonathan Guzman - REA - 4
Simon Muzziotti - CW/REA - 4
Home Runs :
Darick Hall - LHV - 20 - promoted to Phillies 6/29/22
Jhailyn Ortiz - REA - 14
Josh Ockimey - REA/LHV - 12
Jorge Bonifacio - LHV - 11
Marcus Lee Sang - CW/JS - 10
Carlos De La Cruz - JS/REA - 10
Wendell Rijo - REA - 10
RBIs :
Darick Hall - LHV - 67 - promoted to Phillies 6/29/22
Aldrem Corredor - REA - 48
Jorge Bonifacio - LHV - 44
Josh Ockimey - REA/LHV - 44
Hao Yu Lee - CW - 42
Total Bases :
Darick Hall - LHV - 153 - promoted to Phillies 6/29/22
Jhailyn Ortiz - REA - 147
Josh Ockimey - REA/LHV - 137
Ethan Wilson - JS - 133
Marcus Lee Sang - CW/JS - 130
Walks :
Josh Ockimey - REA/LHV - 69
Vito Friscia - Reading - 54
Baron Radcliff - JS - 48
Jamari Baylor - CW - 39
Donny Sands - LHV - 39
Stolen Bases :
Johan Rojas - JS/REA - 46
Yhoswar Garcia - CW - 29
Ethan Wilson - JS - 25
Jamari Baylor - CW - 20
Marcus Lee Sang - CW/JS - 19
On Base Pct : ( at least 300 PA’s )
Josh Ockimey - REA/LHV - .378 ( 392 PA’s )
Jorge Bonifacio - LHV - .348 ( 336 PA’s )
Darick Hall - LHV - .346 ( 315 PA’s ) - promoted to Phillies 6/29/22
Marcus Lee Sang - CW/JS - .344 ( 359 PA’s )
Jhailyn Ortiz - REA - .337 ( 368 PA’s )
Slugging Pct : ( at least 300 PA’s )
Darick Hall - LHV - .548 ( 315 PA’s ) - promoted to Phillies 6/29/22
Jhailyn Ortiz - REA - .448 ( 368 PA’s )
Josh Ockimey - REA/LHV - .427 ( 392 PA’s )
Jorge Bonifacio - LHV - .411 ( 336 PA’s )
Marcus Lee Sang - CW/JS - .411 ( 359 PA’s )
Batting Average : ( at least 300 PA’s )
Darick Hall - LHV - .269 ( 315 PA’s ) - promoted to Phillies 6/29/22
Marcus Lee Sang - CW/JS - .266 ( 359 PA’s )
Jhailyn Ortiz - REA - .256 ( 368 PA’s )
Ethan Wilson - JS - .251 ( 397 PA’s )
Jorge Bonifacio - LHV - .247 ( 336 PA’s )
Dustin Peterson - LHV - .247 ( 304 PA’s )
OPS : ( at least 300 PA’s ) equals Slugging Pct + OBP
Darick Hall - LHV - .894 ( 315 PA’s ) - promoted to Phillies 6/29/22
Josh Ockimey - REA/LHV - .804 ( 392 PA’s )
Jhailyn Ortiz - REA - .785 ( 368 PA’s )
Jorge Bonifacio - LHV - .759 ( 336 PA’s )
Marcus Lee Sang - CW/JS - .755 ( 359 PA’s )
Appearances :
Brian Marconi - REA - 38
Nick Duron - LHV - 36
McKinley Moore - REA - 35
Francisco Morales - REA/LHV - 34
Matt Seelinger - REA - 34
Wins :
Mick Abel - JS - 7
Malik Binns - CW - 6
Mike Adams - REA/LHV - 6
Mark Appel - LHV - 5
Four tied - 4
Starts :
Ricardo Sanchez - LHV - 20
Colton Eastman - LHV/REA - 19
Mick Abel - JS - 17
Noah Skirrow - REA - 17
Gabriel Cotto - CW - 16
Andrew Painter - CW/JS - 16
Griff McGarry - JS/REA - 16
Saves :
Brian Marconi - REA - 15
Aidan Anderson - JS/REA - 8
Jason Ruffcorn - JS - 7
Five tied - 5
Innings Pitched ( Starters ) :
Ricardo Sanchez - LHV - 86 1/3
Colton Eastman - LHV/REA - 85 2/3
Mick Abel - JS - 84
Noah Skirrow - REA - 79 1/3
Ethan Lindow - JS/REA - 78 2/3
Innings Pitched ( Relievers ) :
Bubby Rossman - REA - 49
Matt Seelinger - REA - 46 2/3
Mike Adams - REA/LHV - 46
McKinley Moore - REA - 45 2/3
Jonathan Hennigan - LHV - 44 2/3
Strikeouts :
Andrew Painter - CW/JS - 109
Griff McGarry - JS/REA - 102
Mick Abel - JS - 102
Noah Skirrow - REA - 97
Ricardo Sanchez - LHV - 80
K’s Per Nine - Starters : ( at least 60 IP ) :
Griff McGarry - JS/REA - 14.6 ( 63 IP )
Andrew Painter - CW/JS - 14.4 ( 68 1/3 IP )
Noah Skirrow - REA - 11.0 ( 79 1/3 IP )
Mick Abel - JS - 10.9 ( 84 IP )
Gabriel Cotto - CW - 9.6 ( 62 IP )
K’s Per Nine - Relievers : ( at least 35 IP ) :
Francisco Morales - REA/LHV - 14.4 ( 41 1/3 IP )
McKinley Moore - REA - 12.8 ( 45 2/3 IP )
Billy Sullivan - REA - 12.8 ( 38 2/3 IP )
Brian Marconi - REA - 12.1 ( 39 1/3 IP )
Matt Seelinger - REA - 11.8 ( 46 2/3 IP )
ERA - Starters ( at least 60 IP ) :
Andrew Painter - CW/JS - 1.32 ( 68 1/3 IP )
Ethan Lindow - JS/REA - 3.32 ( 78 2/3 IP )
Griff McGarry - REA/LHV - 3.57 ( 63 IP )
Mick Abel - JS - 3.64 ( 84 IP )
Matt Russell - JS - 4.59 ( 66 2/3 IP )
ERA - Relievers ( at least 40 IP ) :
Gabriel Yanez - CW - 2.06 ( 43 2/3 IP )
Matt Seelinger - REA - 3.09 ( 46 2/3 IP )
Francisco Morales - REA/LHV - 3.27 ( 41 1/3 IP )
Bubby Rossman - REA/LHV - 3.39 ( 49 IP )
Rodolfo Sanchez - CW - 3.54 ( 40 2/3 )
WHIP - Starters ( at least 60 IP ) :
Andrew Painter - CW/JS - 0.878 ( 68 1/3 IP )
Griff McGarry - JS - 1.143 ( 63 IP )
Ethan Lindow - JS/REA - 1.169 ( 78 2/3 IP )
Mick Abel - JS - 1.286 ( 84 IP )
Gabriel Cotto - CW - 1.403 ( 62 IP )
WHIP - Relievers ( at least 40 IP ) :
Gabriel Yanez - CW - 1.053 ( 43 2/3 IP )
Braden Zarbnisky - REA - 1.146 ( 41 IP )
Bubby Rossman - REA/LHV - 1.245 ( 49 IP )
Fernando Lozano - FCL/CW - 1.272 ( 41 2/3 IP )
Francisco Morales - REA/LHV - 1.306 ( 41 1/3 IP )
